Migrating Destiny Item Manager to StatelyDB
Destiny Item Manager (DIM) is an open-source, community developed companion app for Bungie’s Destiny and Destiny 2 video games. DIM is extremely popular among Destiny players, with over 500,000 monthly active users and a total user base of over 2.5 million users. While it largely operates as a browser-based progressive web app that talks directly to the game’s APIs, DIM also has its own cloud service that it uses to store and sync extra user data across different instances of the app. For example, you can create a loadout (a collection of weapons and armor to use in the game) on your laptop and then tweak it or apply it from your phone.
I just happen to have been DIM’s primary developer (but far from its only contributor) for almost the last decade, and the sole developer of DIM’s API service. When we started StatelyDB, I knew DIM could be a great test bed for migrating a real, medium-sized workload and seeing how it went.
Why migrate to a different database?
I didn’t want to migrate just because it’s a great opportunity for a demo. DIM’s API is implemented as a NodeJS service talking to a hosted Postgres database, and while that has worked OK, there’s a number of things that aren’t ideal about it:
- Postgres performance can be really uneven. It’ll be chugging along great and then a spike in usage (such as from a new Destiny expansion release) can cause queries to start slowing down. In contrast, DynamoDB has consistent performance no matter how much data or how many requests are thrown at it. StatelyDB is built on top of DynamoDB, so it has the same consistent performance.
- I needed to stay on top of Postgres maintenance, applying patches and upgrading to larger and larger instances as I run out of disk space or increase traffic. DIM is hosted on DigitalOcean and they make hosted Postgres pretty simple, but it’s still work I have to stay on top of, and while it’s not too hard to buy a larger instance, it’s very difficult to scale back down once the load subsides. DynamoDB and thus StatelyDB can automatically scale and has no maintenance overhead.
- The relational model wasn’t a great fit for DIM. I have a separate table for every type of data (loadouts, item tags, settings, etc.), but that means that loading a user’s entire profile requires running a query for each type of data. This has made me hesitant to add more kinds of data to support new features, because even if a user doesn’t make use of the new feature, I still have to add another query to every profile load. StatelyDB supports storing different types of data grouped together, and I can get it all in a single request.
- Changing the shape of my data wasn’t particularly easy either. I either needed to coordinate a database migration, or stuff unstructured data into JSON fields. In practice, I put as much as I could into JSON because it was easy to iterate on, but then a lot of invalid data snuck in to that JSON over time. StatelyDB offers backwards (and forwards) compatible migrations which make it easy to evolve my data model or fix modeling mistakes.
Given all that, I’d been kind of stalled on adding new features to the API, knowing that the effort required was higher than the effort to work on other things in my scant free time. Switching to StatelyDB would let me get back to adding those new features.
My plan for moving over to StatelyDB required a few different steps:
- Model my existing data in StatelyDB’s schema language.
- Update the API server code to use StatelyDB’s SDK and generated types.
- Switch a few simple use cases to make sure things work correctly.
- Build a migration system that allows moving users one at a time from Postgres to StatelyDB.
- Run the migration to move everybody over.
- Turn off my Postgres server!
Modeling the Schema in StatelyDB
DIM has a handful of different types of data that it stores on behalf of users. Crucially, each user has their own private set of data (their profile). There’s no data shared between users. However, each user has several different types of data in their profile, and the app fetches all of it in a single request every 10 minutes. This is a great fit for a non-relational, partitioned document database like StatelyDB, especially since StatelyDB makes it easy to have different types of data all grouped together under a single user.
The main types of data DIM needs to model are:
Loadouts: Builds that combine weapons, armor, mods, and other settings. These are best represented as a complex object with lists of items and nested parameters, which is why it was mostly stored as a JSON blob in Postgres. In StatelyDB, we get to model all of the different sub-objects in schema, with their own data types and validation:
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export const Loadout = itemType('Loadout', { keyPath: '/p-:profileId/d-:destinyVersion/loadout-:id', fields: { id: { type: uuid, fieldNum: 1 }, name: { type: string, fieldNum: 2 }, notes: { type: string, fieldNum: 3, required: false }, classType: { type: DestinyClass, fieldNum: 4, required: false }, /** List of equipped items in the loadout */ equipped: { type: arrayOf(LoadoutItem), fieldNum: 5, required: false }, /** List of unequipped items in the loadout */ unequipped: { type: arrayOf(LoadoutItem), fieldNum: 6, required: false }, /** Information about the desired properties of this loadout - used to drive the Loadout Optimizer or apply Mod Loadouts */ parameters: { type: LoadoutParameters, fieldNum: 7, required: false }, /** When was this Loadout initially created? Tracked automatically by the API - when saving a loadout this field is ignored. */ createdAt: { type: timestampMilliseconds, fieldNum: 8, fromMetadata: 'createdAtTime' }, /** When was this Loadout last changed? Tracked automatically by the API - when saving a loadout this field is ignored. */ lastUpdatedAt: { type: timestampMilliseconds, fieldNum: 9, fromMetadata: 'lastModifiedAtTime' }, destinyVersion: { type: DestinyVersion, fieldNum: 10 }, profileId: { type: ProfileID, fieldNum: 11 }, }, }); // Definitions for LoadoutParameters, LoadoutItems, etc.
Tags: Users can add a tag and notes to their items to help organize their inventory. These records are really small, but a user might have thousands of them. StatelyDB’s enum types help here, because there are only a few valid tags (favorite, junk, etc.) so an enum can store them compactly.
Searches: DIM has a powerful custom item search engine that lets users find the exact weapon they need out of an inventory of hundreds of items. It saves the history of the last 500 searches (plus favorited searches) per user so they sync between devices.
There are a few more types that are less frequently used.
For each type of data, I went through and started from my existing TypeScript definitions for the types returned by the API, and translated those into StatelyDB’s elastic schema. After I’d done one or two by hand, I actually just asked GitHub CoPilot to do the rest, and it got me most of the way—I only needed to tweak some data types and add some validation that was implicit in the SQL version.
Porting the database access layer
After the schema was designed and committed to StatelyDB, I generated TypeScript code with the Stately CLI to access all of my new data types, and then I set to work on the operations that update and query the data. I started by wholesale copy/pasting the Postgres access layer code into a new folder, and then went through each helper and translated it to the StatelyDB APIs. In general, the StatelyDB code was more straightforward and easier to understand than the SQL code, but there were a few things I needed to be careful about:
I needed to write translation functions to convert between StatelyDB’s generated items and the structures I accept and return from the API. They’re very close, but not exactly the same - for example in the StatelyDB version a number might be represented as a BigInt, whereas in my JSON API they were represented as a string. In more than a few places I had to add code to handle invalid data that had been saved into the Postgres database that StatelyDB would not accept, since the StatelyDB schema is much more precise.
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export function convertLoadoutFromStately(item: StatelyLoadout): Loadout { return { id: stringifyUUID(item.id), name: item.name, classType: item.classType as number as DestinyClass, equipped: (item.equipped || []).map(convertLoadoutItemFromStately), unequipped: (item.unequipped || []).map(convertLoadoutItemFromStately), createdAt: Number(item.createdAt), lastUpdatedAt: Number(item.lastUpdatedAt), notes: item.notes, parameters: convertLoadoutParametersFromStately(item.parameters) }; } export function convertLoadoutToStately( loadout: Loadout, platformMembershipId: string, destinyVersion: DestinyVersion, ): StatelyLoadout { return client.create('Loadout', { id: parseUUID(loadout.id), destinyVersion, profileId: BigInt(platformMembershipId), name: loadout.name || 'Unnamed', classType: loadout.classType as number, equipped: (loadout.equipped || []).map(convertLoadoutItemToStately), unequipped: (loadout.unequipped || []).map(convertLoadoutItemToStately), notes: loadout.notes, parameters: convertLoadoutParametersToStately(loadout.parameters), createdAt: BigInt(loadout.createdAt ? new Date(loadout.createdAt).getTime() : 0n), lastUpdatedAt: BigInt(loadout.lastUpdatedAt ? new Date(loadout.lastUpdatedAt).getTime() : 0n), }; }
A few operations relied on complicated SQL upsert statements to either insert new data or update existing data, or to merge existing data with incoming data. I replaced these with more straightforward read-modify-write transactions that load the existing item, mutate it, and save it back. It’s more code, but it’s really clear what’s going on vs. the SQL statements:
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export async function updateItemAnnotation( platformMembershipId: string, destinyVersion: DestinyVersion, itemAnnotation: ItemAnnotation, ): Promise<void> { const tagValue = clearValue(itemAnnotation.tag); const notesValue = clearValue(itemAnnotation.notes); if (tagValue === 'clear' && notesValue === 'clear') { // Delete the annotation entirely return deleteItemAnnotation(platformMembershipId, destinyVersion, itemAnnotation.id); } await client.transaction(async (txn) => { let existing = await txn.get( 'ItemAnnotation', keyFor(platformMembershipId, destinyVersion, itemAnnotation.id), ); if (!existing) { existing = client.create('ItemAnnotation', { id: BigInt(itemAnnotation.id), profileId: BigInt(platformMembershipId), destinyVersion, }); } if (tagValue === 'clear') { existing.tag = StatelyTagValue.TagValue_UNSPECIFIED; } else if (tagValue !== null) { existing.tag = StatelyTagValue[`TagValue_${tagValue}`]; } if (notesValue === 'clear') { existing.notes = ''; } else if (notesValue !== null) { existing.notes = notesValue; } if (itemAnnotation.craftedDate) { existing.craftedDate = BigInt(itemAnnotation.craftedDate * 1000); } await txn.put(existing); }); }
I took a lot of care in designing the key paths for my new items. As we’ll explore later in this article, by choosing key paths with the same prefix, I set myself up to be able to query all of a user’s data in one List operation. You can read more about how the key paths are designed in the README for DIM’s schema. For example, this tree of paths means that I can get all of the data for a given profile ID and destiny version at once:
In this phase I concentrated on replicating my old database access layer exactly, even though I knew I could choose some more efficient patterns in StatelyDB. The reason for this is that I also copy/pasted my entire test suite, so I could run the same tests against a new data layer implementation. This gave me a bunch of confidence that I could easily swap in the StatelyDB code without having to rewrite everything else in my service. Optimizing access patterns could be done later.
Porting the first few use cases
Before I got to migrating all the user data, I wanted to try out StatelyDB on some simpler use cases. These were the first I migrated over because they were comparatively small amounts of data or traffic:
- Apps: The DIM API is actually used by several different Destiny companion apps, and it has its own API key system to keep track of which apps are allowed to call it. This is a relatively small set of records (a few hundred), and each API server reads the list on startup and then periodically refreshes it. I manually copied the existing data into StatelyDB with a little NodeJS script, and then set up the API to read and write to both Postgres and StatelyDB to keep them in sync. Speaking of sync, I changed the polling logic to use StatelyDB’s SyncList API, so each server asks for changes in the list of apps instead of getting all of them fresh. It’s not a big difference but it was fun to prove out that functionality.
- Loadout Shares: Users can share loadouts with a public URL, and shared loadouts are stored outside of their profile as individually keyed items. I set these up to also write to both Postgres and StatelyDB, and on read, to look in StatelyDB first and fall back to Postgres. Crucially, these loadout shares are immutable once they’re created, so I didn’t need to worry about keeping them in sync, and if the write to one side or the other failed it was still OK because the read path would check both locations.
Writing a migration state machine
I wanted to be able to migrate users one at a time. This fit perfectly with the fact that each user’s info is independent from every other user’s, so I could move all of one user’s info into StatelyDB while leaving other users in Postgres. To keep tabs on all this, I made a new Postgres table called migration_state
that tracked the state of each account. I could have stored this data in StatelyDB instead of Postgres—I only chose Postgres because it was the starting-point system.
For each user account I kept track of the following data:
- MigrationState: A state machine enum with states:
- Postgres: Reads and writes go to Postgres.
- Migrating: Data is in the process of moving to StatelyDB and writes are blocked. Reads go to Postgres.
- Stately: Reads and writes go to StatelyDB.
- LastStateChangeAt: The timestamp of the last state change, so we can expire state changes that fail (e.g. if we’ve been in “Migrating” for >N minutes, roll back to “Postgres”).
- AttemptCount: A count which is incremented each time we try to migrate, so we can stop trying after a certain number of failed attempts.
- Error: An error string from the last failed migration to help in debugg.
The default for this table, if there isn’t a row, is to be in the “Postgres” migration state. Whenever the server goes to read or write data for a user, it first loads the migration state. Reads get dispatched to Postgres or StatelyDB depending on where the data lives. The “Migrating” state is a bit trickier. I chose to block writes while migrating because my goal was to do something simple and relatively quickly. In more high-stakes migration scenarios I would have added more states for dual-write or shadow-write modes, where reads and writes go to both Postgres and StatelyDB in parallel, and it publishes metrics if they are different. That’s what we did when we migrated billions of conversations for Snapchat, but I chose a less careful route for my hobby project.
Migrating users
The migration itself was set up to happen on demand. Whenever the user updated their profile, the server would check to see if the user should be migrated. Initially only a few hand-picked accounts were set to migrate, but eventually I used a hash of the user ID to implement a percentage rollout. If the account should be migrated (and it hadn’t already failed too many times), the server would perform a full migration before accepting the write. This meant reading all the user’s profile data into memory from Postgres, and then bulk-inserting it all into StatelyDB. If that was successful, we’d update the migration state for the account to “Stately”, and they’d use StatelyDB from then on.
I spent a few weeks dialing up the percentage of users who would get migrated on demand. Every time I increased the dial, there would be a flurry of on-demand migrations, which would slowly die out as the regular users got migrated. I was cautious here mostly to protect the Postgres database, as the DynamoDB table backing my StatelyDB store was auto-scaling like a champ.
Eventually the dial reached 100%, meaning any new or returning user would be automatically migrated whenever they used the app. This accounted for quite a lot of users, but there was still a long tail of inactive users, whether they no longer used DIM or only play Destiny occasionally. To migrate them, I write a script that I ran on my laptop that performed the exact same migration operation the server would do on demand, but driven off of a query that returned un-migrated accounts. There were only a couple million users to migrate this way, so it was easy enough to leave it running on my laptop for a few days slowly migrating data.
Once all the users were migrated, I updated the code to no longer consult the migration state table, and disconnected it from Postgres entirely. I also went through and updated a lot of my access patterns now that I didn’t need to support two different databases. There were two major changes there:
- The most common action in the API is to load all of a user’s profile data - this happens every 10 minutes while the app is open. In Postgres I had to make one query per type of data, but in StatelyDB, it’s a single List operation for the user’s profile that returns all of their data at once. This is way more efficient, and it makes it trivial to add more types of data without having to add more queries to my most critical API. This also opens the door to using SyncList instead of loading everything every time, which means I can save cost and bandwidth even as I increase the polling rate to every one minute. I’ll discuss this change in another blog post!
- I was able to batch up my updates and perform them all in a single transaction instead of one at a time. Honestly, I could’ve done this with my Postgres implementation as well, but StatelyDB’s API makes it way easier to read and write batches of items efficiently.
I’m especially excited to have things migrated over to StatelyDB because I’m now free to implement a lot of the new data types that I’ve had on my mind. Adding new data types to my schema is super simple, and it’s way easier to describe my data model since the schema lets me declare real data types and validations right in-line. This is just the beginning of DIM’s new life on StatelyDB: I’ll have more posts in the future explaining what I’m able to build from here.